Welcome to my website!
It features two of
my favorite passions:
photography & butterflies, especially Monarchs.
What a gift our world is!
While it's not the same as being there, photos can often bring
a sense of awe and wonder.
It's my hope as you visit here.
My photography is about sharing my deep love of the endless wonders of nature. Be it a landscape, a critter, a flower, the huge sky filled with the aurora borealis, or a macro photo of something very tiny and incredibly amazing that may not ever be seen otherwise - nature never disappoints.
monarch butterflies
I usually raise hundreds of monarch butterflies a year, and I never tire of the miracle and mystery of their metamorphosis and the symbol of hope it represents. I hope that you can enjoy their journey through some of my photos, and in raising them yourself.
Visit my Milkweed page for info on where to purchase chemical-free milkweed to feed Monarch caterpillars.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”